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Saturday, 30 March 2024
Saturday, 2 March 2024
GOD and MONEY!!!
- Making work lunches to reduce cost
- Reducing borrowing
- Finding other means to make more money
Tuesday, 20 February 2024
This morning as I read Genesis 15, God visited Abraham in a vision and said to him “I am your shield and exceeding great REWARD”
Yesterday, apostle Joshua selman was preaching about Hebrews 6:10 where we are told that God is not unjust but will REWARD our labour of love.
•This week, my theme was to walk by Faith.
As I wrote out my journal and plan for the day I realised I hadn’t thought about Faith at all. So I decided to read Hebrews 11, but then I thought I’d start from Hebrews 10. I read the last verses and in verse 38 it said “But my righteous one will live by faith, and I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back”. I wrote that down as my verse of the day in my journal
I was reminded of the Bible verse in Genesis 15:6 where it says “and Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness”
I realised the word “REWARD” kept popping up so I googled “what is God’s reward for those who live by faith
That’s how I ended up on someone’s likened in post entirely dedicated to God’s rewards for the righteous.
Examples were given of Abraham, Joseph, with unwavering faith being rewarded with governorship of Egypt under pharaoh, David being rewarded with a kingdom & long lasting legacy, Job being rewarded with twice as much after many trials and Jesus topping it off in Matthew 5:12 with the promise “REJOICE, for GREAT IS YOUR REWARD in heaven”
In the end I learnt that there is a REWARD for our righteousness which we do by FAITH and in my reading through all these verses, I realised it’s God’s way of speaking to me about the fact that he comes with his rewards in his hands for all, as in Revelation 22:12-13 which states, “And Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last”
So in your life journey, KEEP AT IT, whatever righteous acts you are doing, for as said “God is not unjust to forget your work and labour of Love which could be in your career (workplace), relationships, family etc. because HE is a REWARDER of them that DILIGENTLY seek Him.
Adios Amigos ❤️😀✌🏽.
Friday, 10 February 2017
Some of it I'm sure, I used for very important things and I wouldn't change it if I had the chance to choose between spending the money for those things or not.
For a long time, I had heard about budgeting but for some reason, I never really came around to applying it. So near the end of 2016, I decided to consciously implement budgeting to my financial life
"a quantitative expression of a financial plan for a defined period of time. It may include planned sales, volumes and revenues, resource quantities, costs and expenses, assets and liabilities and cash flows"
- To simplify this, I'd define it as a picture image of what you did with your money over a certain period of time-
1. I spend lots of my money on things I deem important but I need to do a reevaluation.
2. I spend money on things for others more often than for myself (Good or bad depending on how you see it)
3. My money could be spread out more than I am doing now.
4. I save way less than I earn
5. I could do financially better than I am now by applying more wisdom in my spending

In the end I've noticed that I'm not as good with managing my finance as I thought I was and definitely need more education in that area.
And so one of the things I've resorted to doing is to watch more online videos on money management and read more books on finance to improve, one of which is RICH KID SMART KID by Robert kiyosaki which I'm currently reading.
So some of the tips I've learnt on money management so far are,
- Budgeting on excel- This gives you a picture image of what you've done with your money over a period of time
- Learn to save- Emergencies are inevitable and you want to be ready for whatever may come your way as stated in Matthew 25 about the 5 wise virgins who had enough oil in their lamps and were ready when the bridegroom arrived.
- Build an emergency fund- 1 to 3 months savings which you build over time and will only touch when the situation is dire, e.g. Job loss, etc. It doesn't matter how small the money is. save it, for "little drops of water make a mighty ocean"
- Whatever God gives you, make good use of it. don't waste it. Plant it with your actions so that it can bear fruit. The same can be said with money. Use it wisely and it'll grow, waste it and you'll lose.
So hopefully by the time I'm done I'll have a more improved view of the importance of money, how it works and what I can do to manage mine better.
I hope this post is helpful.
Thank you and have a lovely day.
Saturday, 21 January 2017
Its been 3 years since I wrote a post on here. A lot has happened within that time. Been through a lot, grown through a lot, and learnt overtime to trust God through them all. God has been good throughout. I have learnt more of him along the way than I had before and I'm hoping to share with you my experiences as we go along.
I decided to revisit my blog and found a few things that encouraged me to start paying more attention to it.
So today, I would love to share with you the topic of VISION
The common bible verse regarding this topic is found in Habakkuk 2;1-2
"I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guard post. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint
vs 2- Then the Lord said to me, "Write MY ANSWER plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others"
I read this bible verse a while ago and realised that I had never noticed the part where God says "Write MY ANSWER"
I think it's probably because I read the versions that said "write THE vision and make it plain"
But this particular word stood out to me because it made me realise that the vision belonged to GOD and is derived from GOD. It was the Lord who gave the answer and not man who thought it.
So all these years when I've been making resolutions and all manner of goals thinking to myself that I was the one who was supposed to come up with them, it was not really the best option because then, I relied on my strength and really didn't focus on God and where He wanted me to Go that year
Either way, my eyes have been opened and now I realise that in order to know the vision, I have to turn to the SOURCE (God) to know which direction to take and HOW to RUN with it.
So here are some of the ways in which we can turn to the source
Speak to God intentionally and sincerely about what you would like to do and what you should do,
Seek HIS WILL concerning them
Ask for his guidance,
Listen and write as you pray
(Ps: AFTER prayer, wait and Hear what the LORD has to say too as mentioned in the verse previously- its a two-way conversation)
2. The WORD
Read the bible
Research from it topics on the steps you want to take
3. LISTEN OUT FOR THE VOICE OF GOD- (through others)
i.e books, mentors, video/audio messages etc
When you are done, remember to RUN with the vision.
Act on what God speaks.
Get rid of every nonchalant attitude towards the vision.
Visit it constantly to remind yourself of what God has said
"In prayer, there's a connection between what GOD does and what you do"
Plan, take a step, sow by your action and you will reap the reward
If you don't take a step of faith, nothing will be accomplished
Continue to commune with God to ensure that your roots do not dry out and that you are constantly refreshed to carry out the vision.
John 15:5- "I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing"
I would like to share with you something from Lisa Bevere which I feel will be beneficial to everyone since we are still in the beginning of the year and people are in the goal-setting phase.
He needs you to write things down and then put it into his hands and understand that he can take care of that........
Go ahead and write down
Go ahead and be creative
Speak them out in faith and entrust them to God
I hope this is a blessing and a reminder to keep God at the fore-front of your goals this year as you take steps to achieve them.
Enjoy the link and have a blessed day.
Friday, 14 February 2014
Friday, 3 January 2014
2013 LESSONS FOR 2014
It's a brand new year ....
2013 went a bit faster than I usually think each year or maybe it's just me. I've heard quite a few comments from people saying how much they enjoyed last year and looking forward to the exciting things 2014 is going to bring them. Whereas there are also the few who said that 2013 was the worst year of their lives with it's very challenging situations which they had to face. Mine was a mixture of the two. There were many brilliant moments last year like the new addition to our family and spending time with this one person.... But there were also times that I struggled with many personal issues which I had never dealt with in the past. Through them all, I have become much stronger and have learnt some lessons which I hope to apply to my life in the coming future. Here are a few!
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Friday, 21 June 2013
Today, my sister has gone out to run a few errands as she does on fridays, the one day she genuinely gets to chill at home these days. So I lie in bed after an early shift to get some rest and I decide to check my facebook as well as my other websites (i.e facebook, blogger, yahoo then back to facebook, then I start all over again plus the ocassional tumblr; I haven't checked that one yet but I will do in a second lol).
I put on some Ghanaian spirit tunes on youtube and start to pray a little. But then one negative thought just pops into my head and I think, "i'll just brush it off". My mini prayer stops for a second then I go back on my facebook, then my blogger lol.
I check a few statuses and one says, "God is shifting your season. The drought is over! The famine has ended and now it's harvest time". As soon as I finish reading, I hear that little negative voice say something along the lines of "That's what they usually say, but it never really changes" But then I remember that God has given me the job I have now and God has done so much, I just don't pause to recollect them in that instant.
Then another moment of mini prayer ensues and after that I find myself beginning to sink back into worry as I have noticed myself doing these days when I'm alone. There is a saying that goes, "the devil has work for idle hands". Not that I am completely idle because I have deliberately laid down to rest and soak myself with my music but I've noticed that whenever I am alone these days, that is when I get overwhelmingly bombarded.
One time I allowed negative thoughts to overwhelm me so much so that the things I said I'm definitely sure did not sound pleasant in God's ears but He has forgiven me still so I move on. I know it is completely bad so today as soon as I found myself beginning to do this, I decided to write and pray about it instead.
I nearly shed a tear some minutes ago and I thought why not put it in words on here. I seem to be beating about the bush with this and now I've almost forgotten the reason for my topic
Oh yeah I just remembered. I mean to say that in times when we are being bombarded by thoughts from the enemy, let us not sink into worry like I have done many times, but rather make it a point to pray and tell God all our worries. He cares more than you and especially I know, yet for some reason I seem to think otherwise when I have asked sometimes and the answer has not yet come.
God is in charge of my life and everything works together for my good.
So in conclusion, let's start to pray instead of sit and worry.... lol like you did not see that coming.
Adios amigos!!!!
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Do you, like me, weigh out the pros and cons of every opportunity presented and sometimes overthink them so much so that by the time you realise, you would have missed out on them altogether?
If yes, then we're all in this together because, like you, I've found myself in countless circumstances where I have over thought certain chances and lost them in the end. Maybe losing them might be God's way of showing me that those opportunities were not mine to take in the first place or possibly fear causes stagnation in my decision making skills.
Well today I happened to eavesdrop on a conversation between two people at work; a guy who had gone outside for a cigarette and a lady.
They discussed how the guy was feeling in general and this led to him speaking about his photography which he does as a hobby. He told different stories and one of them stood out to me.
One day, he had sat on a bench outside slowly inhaling his cigarette smoke when he discovered a bird perched in a corner. He had his camera with him as per usual and in his mind he thought to himself that maybe he should take a photo of this bird, yet he said to himself that he shouldn't because by the time he'd picked up the camera, the bird would've flown away. A few minutes later, the bird still perched there and this gentleman was contemplating whether to take the photo. Then another voice in his head told him not to take the photo at all to which he obeyed and lost the opportunity altogether to take a potentially brilliant photo.
How many opportunities have you missed out on because you sat and contemplated for so long?
A few weeks ago, I wrote in my diary that I wanted to open an account. As soon as I wrote it down, I began to make plans as to which day would be most suitable for me to get that account. I went ahead and did as I had written in my diary on the actual day and on my way back I thought to myself,
"it never occurred to you to pray before making the account. Yet how many times have you used prayer as an excuse for your indecisiveness".
I'm not saying that it is not good to pray. It is the perfect thing to do at all times as a christian yet, I find that sometimes we are indecisive because of fear of making a mistake. God is the utmost restorer in all situations. He has not put in us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 hence we need not approach opportunities with fear but with courage knowing that the Lord will definitely order our footsteps as in Psalm 32:8,
- "The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch and watch over you"-
In Genesis 28:15 God tells Jacob that He has given him a land where he is but Jacob decides that he wants to go somewhere else. God does not stop him from making that decision but reassures him with these words
"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you"
In other words, God is with us in our decision making hence we should not be crippled by fear because either way, that which God has spoken will come to pass.
So from today, Let us all begin the journey of boldness in our decision making and grasp opportunities presented to us but also remember to walk in God's guidance so that we will not be led astray
Have a blessed day!!!
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
RESILIENCE By Texttextiles!!!
Texttextiles has been making youtube videos for a while but for some reason I haven't made a blog post about any of it even though a few have been a blessing so far.
Here's a recent video of her talking about developing "RESILIENCE" in the new year and also speaking in faith regarding the things we desire so that we can have them. Be blessed as you listen and feel free to check out more of her videos and ofcourse her blogposts.
Dios los bendiga a todos- God bless you all!
Adios! Hablaremos mas tarde