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Sunday, 11 November 2012


Isaiah 30:15
"For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy one of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength and ye would not"

So as you all know, I'm fond of posting videos that inspire me so today, here's a song by Jenn Johnson from Bethel Church entitled "God I look to you".

Sometimes in life, we become so overwhelmed with troubles that we ordinarily do not know how to deal with . I have come to realise of late  that most at times, these troubles come in batches and never one at a time. But when faced with them, God reminds us to trust in Him through the storm. The main verse above says that "in quietness and confidence shall be your strength" In other versions of the bible, confidence is replaced with trust, thus, Trust which is not based on our capabilities in those circumstances but Trust which is in the one who is ALL MIGHTY and reigns over every situation in our lives.

Lamentations 3:37 says "who  is he that saith and it cometh to pass unless the Lord commandeth it"
This is a complete assurance which God has given to His Children making us aware that though our situations may seem overwhelming and completely unsolvable, God is still in control and will never allow anything to take place without His permission. Therefore when faced with troubles and situations where we wonder how things are going to be, let's not forget to trust in God and sing the song "Halleluyah Jesus reigns" and continue to tell God that we look to Him because He is where our help comes from. HALLELUYAH! HALLELUYAH! HALLELUYAH! God is here with us and is always listening! He is our very present help in time of need. Thank you Jesus!


  1. A friend of mine, actually shared this song with you last week. It's a beautiful song, sang from the heart. I'm sure a lot of people can get inspiration from this :)

  2. Thanks for sharing! I like that verse in Lamentations! Blessings!

    Tell the World

  3. I definitely agree, that when going through trails and tribulations don't forget to still praise God's name. Even though I must admit it's hard.

  4. aww thank you.. I'll definitely check your blog out!

  5. Great post - definitely needed to read this tonight! :)

  6. Another Christian blog! Yeah!
    Great blog, love it. I love to read things that encourage me and inform when it come to God and his amazingness!


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